
  • Connection String

    Open Notepad Save the blank file as myConnection.udl Close notepad Double-click the udl file you just saved Fill it in and test it until successful Once succesful, close the udl Right-Click the udl and Open With Notepad There’s your connection string. Note: SQL client doesn’t require the Providor element so you can remove that from…

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  • Visual Studio 2010 versus COM-Object fails

    I spent ages trying to find a solution to this issue after upgrading to VS2012. This link solved the problem and stopped me returning to VS2005. Why Microsoft, why? Thank you malamsson.

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  • Close a Parent Form from Child Form

    From a child form I wanted to close the parent form after a button was clicked, the following is the code I used: // In the child form, create an event that indicates the special occurrence.public event EventHandler Special;protected virtual void OnSpecial(EventArgs e) { EventHandler Handler = Special; if (Handler != null) Handler(this, e);}// Perhaps…

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  • “System.OutOfMemoryException: Out of memory” When using Image.FromFile(imageFile)

    When I was populating an System.Drawing.Image object from a folder of images I revceived the following error message:“System.OutOfMemoryException: Out of memory”At first I thought I had a very large image in this folder, but realised after reading the blog post:Image.FromFile(“…”) and System.OutOfMemoryException,that I had a file in the folder that was not an image type…

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  • Strip HTML Tags from a String using Regular Expressions 

    Whilst writing some code to search forum posts I had the reason to remove all HTML tags from the forum posts before I could do a valid phrase search. I created the following function: public static string StripDecodeHtml(string content){  content = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(content);  string myTagPattern = @”]*>(?<text>.*?)“;  Regex myTagRegex = new Regex(myTagPattern, RegexOptions.Compiled          |RegexOptions.IgnoreCase|RegexOptions.Singleline);  // do until no more tags…

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  • Examples of Regular Expressions

    Trim string in JavaScript var trimre=’^s+|s+$’; // replace whitespacevar trimmedstring = string.replace(trimre,””); Check for a valid date format in JavaScript var re=’^(d{1,2})/(d{1,2})/(d{4})$’; // dd/mm/yyyyif (!datestring.match(re)){ alert(“Date” + datestring + ” not in valid dd/mm/yyyy format”);}else // valid date keyed in{ …valid date keyed} More to follow…

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  • Creating a Banned Words Filter

    I have a website with a user forum and content management system, where certain users (or anyone in the case of forums) can post to. I therefore had to create an easy way to filter and change certain naughty/controversial words from being viewed on my pages. I wanted the solution to be easy to maintain…

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