
  • Bicep Deployment of APIM API Operations

    Problem: Deploy your API Operations into APIM using BICEP Existing Deployment: Simple deployment (no request or response definitions etc…) Using a YAML driver:   – template: ../apimanagement/cli/apis/APIM.AddApi.yaml     parameters:       azureServiceConnection: ${{ parameters.azureServiceConnection }}       resourceGroupName: ‘$(coreResourceGroupName)’       apiManagementServiceName: ‘$(coreApimInstance)’       name: ‘oracle-erp-internal-api’       displayName: ‘Oracle ERP Internal API’       description: ‘Oracle Internal API for ERP’       path: ‘/oracle/internal/erp’ – template: ../apimanagement/cli/apis/APIM.AddApi.Operation.yaml     parameters:       azureServiceConnection: ${{ parameters.azureServiceConnection…

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  • Retrieving Bicep Output Variables between Yaml Tasks

    In the Bicep file you can output variables: output laPrincipalId string = logicAppResource.identity.principalId So how do I then pass these to another Yaml task? My first research found this perfect discussion: BICEP Output to Pipeline Variables #4638 So this is the task that populates the output variables as pipeline variables after the create resource task:…

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  • Using Bash to Deploy a Logic App using an Office365 API Connection

    Using Bash to Deploy a Logic App using an Office365 API Connection

    Since moving to a self-hosted agent I did not have Powershell available or the bash command to parse JSON, jq. If you have installed Powershell onto your agents then please refer to this earlier post for my solution using Powershell: Using Powershell to Deploy a Logic App using an Office365 API Connection Otherwise, I spent…

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  • Becareful When Enabling SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) support for Azure Blob Storage

    Becareful When Enabling SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) support for Azure Blob Storage

    I had enabled SFTP on my blob storage in a personal subscription, not realising the costings: SFTP support for Azure Blob Storage – Azure Storage | Microsoft Learn At the time of writing this post, it is £0.24 per hour just to have the SFTP enabled on the blob storage.  This equates to £40.32 per…

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  • Using Powershell to Deploy a Logic App using an Office365 API Connection

    Using Powershell to Deploy a Logic App using an Office365 API Connection

    When using an Azure agent Powershell was available, so the deployment was straight forward: Validate then build the Office365 Connection And the same for the Logic App container with the following app settings In the Release Pipeline I used the Office365 artifact and the Logic App container artifact In the Release Pipeline Stage deployment, I…

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  • What is Consuming my Azure Service Bus Subscription?

    What is Consuming my Azure Service Bus Subscription?

    A simple query to discover what service is using my Service Bus Subscription: requests | where source ==’’

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  • BTDF Visual Studio Extension Link

    BTDF Visual Studio Extension Link

    BizTalk Deployment Framework (BTDF) Visual Studio plugin for BizTalk Server 2020 – SANDRO PEREIRA BIZTALK BLOG (

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  • Installing Visio Professional 2019 alongside Microsoft Office 365

    Installing Visio Professional 2019 alongside Microsoft Office 365

    I have Microsoft Office 365 already install, and have a Visio Professional 2019 product key. 1. Create a configuration file: Home – Microsoft 365 Apps admin center ( 2. Download Microsoft Office Deployment Tool: Download Office Deployment Tool from Official Microsoft Download Center 3. Save the configuration file from step 1. into the same directory as the…

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  • YAML Pipeline with Code Coverage Conditional

    YAML Pipeline with Code Coverage Conditional

     The YAML flow builds the solution of an Azure Function, that contains 3 projects. The unit tests are run and published, and settings are contained in the coverlet.runsettings.xml: <?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8” ?> <RunSettings>   <DataCollectionRunSettings>     <DataCollectors>       <DataCollector friendlyName=“XPlat code coverage”>         <Configuration>          …

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  • Application Insights: Types of Availability Tests

    Directly from Microsoft Learn Select an availability test – Training | Microsoft Learn:

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  • APIM Trace from Postman & Send One-Way Request Policy

     I stumbled upon this: How to Debug and Trace request in Azure APIM – Portal, Postman, RequestBin | Tracing request in Azure APIM ( Bookmarked for future reference.

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  • Bicep: Get the Trigger URL for a Consumption Logic App

      resource logicApp ‘Microsoft.Logic/workflows@2016-06-01’ = {   name: logicAppName   location: logicAppLocation   identity: {… }   properties: {…   } } output id         string = output version    string = logicApp.apiVersion output triggerUrl string = listCallbackURL(concat(, ‘/triggers/manual’), logicApp.apiVersion).value

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  • Deploy Logic App (Std) Workflow Disabled with Bicep/YAML

    In my yaml I send a the workflows in a pipe separated string e.g. “wf-one|wf-two|wf-three|wf-four” Then, in my bicep I populate an array of Workflow states app settings: var wfAppSettingStatuses = [ for wf in split(workflows,’|’): {   name: ‘Workflows.${wf}.FlowState’   value: ‘Disabled’  }] To add to the Logic App container configuration settings use the union function:…

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  • Ping from an Azure Function App Disabled

    Ping from an Azure Function App Disabled

    Ping from the console was disabled by default but this blog post gave me another option: How to ping from an Azure App service with TCPPING – Code4IT  Ping response: Tcpping response:

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  • Xslt Transformation with Azure Function

    XsltCompiledTransform does not allow embedded (inline script) code. I came across this github project and need to test this out: brandonh-msft/EmbeddedXsltTestFunction: Demonstrates how to use custom code in an XML Transform from within an Azure Function ( On the face of it the embedded code can be migrated into ExtensionObjects – it sounds perfect!

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  • Error When Opening Logic App (Standard) Designer in VS Code

    When trying to debug a Logic App (Standard) in Visual Code, I saw the following exception: Running command: “func host start –port 8000″…‘func’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.  It seems I was missing the Azure Function Core Tools: See this:

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  • CRON Special Characters

    This one’s for me: The order of the six fields in Azure is: {second} {minute} {hour} {day} {month} {day of the week}.

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  • Handle the HTTP 500 Response in APIM

    APIM Add Retry Policy using Policy Fragment A connection that was expected to be kept alive was closed by the server We were seeing many API responses with status code 500 in APIM, with Exception type = BackendConnectionFailure: The underlying connection was closed: A connection that was expected to be kept alive was closed by…

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  • APIM Policy to Retrieve D365 Bearer Token

    The policy below adds the “Authorization” header to the backend request.  All token request parameters are added to APIM as Named values.  The “D365-secret” named value points to a secret in the key vault so that it is kept private.  A retry policy is also added in case there is an issue retrieving the bearer…

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  • Remove Duplicate Rows from a SQL Table

    A small reminder for myself: delete t from ( SELECT * , DupRank = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (               PARTITION BY PurchaseOrderNumber, LineNumber               ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)             ) FROM [PurchaseOrderLines] ) as t where DupRank > 1

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