azure blob storage pricing

Becareful When Enabling SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) support for Azure Blob Storage

azure blob storage pricing

Becareful When Enabling SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) support for Azure Blob Storage

I had enabled SFTP on my blob storage in a personal subscription, not realising the costings: SFTP support for Azure Blob Storage – Azure Storage | Microsoft Learn

At the time of writing this post, it is £0.24 per hour just to have the SFTP enabled on the blob storage.  This equates to £40.32 per week, even if left redundant.

azure blob storage pricing

Pricing here: Azure Blob Storage pricing | Microsoft Azure

If you have the option to enable/disable the SFTP option the you can run the following Powershell (the example is to disable SFTP) or use the Azure Portal:

Set-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName "comp-rg-ukw-t-shared-st-01" -Name "compstukwtshared01" -EnableSftp $false

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