
  • Bicep Deployment of APIM API Operations

    Problem: Deploy your API Operations into APIM using BICEP Existing Deployment: Simple deployment (no request or response definitions etc…) Using a YAML driver:   – template: ../apimanagement/cli/apis/APIM.AddApi.yaml     parameters:       azureServiceConnection: ${{ parameters.azureServiceConnection }}       resourceGroupName: ‘$(coreResourceGroupName)’       apiManagementServiceName: ‘$(coreApimInstance)’       name: ‘oracle-erp-internal-api’       displayName: ‘Oracle ERP Internal API’       description: ‘Oracle Internal API for ERP’       path: ‘/oracle/internal/erp’ – template: ../apimanagement/cli/apis/APIM.AddApi.Operation.yaml     parameters:       azureServiceConnection: ${{ parameters.azureServiceConnection…

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  • Using Bash to Deploy a Logic App using an Office365 API Connection

    Using Bash to Deploy a Logic App using an Office365 API Connection

    Since moving to a self-hosted agent I did not have Powershell available or the bash command to parse JSON, jq. If you have installed Powershell onto your agents then please refer to this earlier post for my solution using Powershell: Using Powershell to Deploy a Logic App using an Office365 API Connection Otherwise, I spent…

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  • Becareful When Enabling SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) support for Azure Blob Storage

    Becareful When Enabling SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) support for Azure Blob Storage

    I had enabled SFTP on my blob storage in a personal subscription, not realising the costings: SFTP support for Azure Blob Storage – Azure Storage | Microsoft Learn At the time of writing this post, it is £0.24 per hour just to have the SFTP enabled on the blob storage.  This equates to £40.32 per…

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  • Using Powershell to Deploy a Logic App using an Office365 API Connection

    Using Powershell to Deploy a Logic App using an Office365 API Connection

    When using an Azure agent Powershell was available, so the deployment was straight forward: Validate then build the Office365 Connection And the same for the Logic App container with the following app settings In the Release Pipeline I used the Office365 artifact and the Logic App container artifact In the Release Pipeline Stage deployment, I…

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  • What is Consuming my Azure Service Bus Subscription?

    What is Consuming my Azure Service Bus Subscription?

    A simple query to discover what service is using my Service Bus Subscription: requests | where source ==’’

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  • Let me Introduce Nodinite: An Integration Monitoring and Logging Tool Plus More

    Let me Introduce Nodinite: An Integration Monitoring and Logging Tool Plus More

    Nodinite is a tool that I have used for several years now to monitor and log data within my integration process flow. Nodinite also provides a central repository for your integrations. What I love about Nodinite is the total flexibility of what is installed and how it is installed. I believe it is also very…

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  • Application Insights: Types of Availability Tests

    Directly from Microsoft Learn Select an availability test – Training | Microsoft Learn:

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  • APIM Trace from Postman & Send One-Way Request Policy

     I stumbled upon this: How to Debug and Trace request in Azure APIM – Portal, Postman, RequestBin | Tracing request in Azure APIM ( Bookmarked for future reference.

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  • Bicep: Get the Trigger URL for a Consumption Logic App

      resource logicApp ‘Microsoft.Logic/workflows@2016-06-01’ = {   name: logicAppName   location: logicAppLocation   identity: {… }   properties: {…   } } output id         string = output version    string = logicApp.apiVersion output triggerUrl string = listCallbackURL(concat(, ‘/triggers/manual’), logicApp.apiVersion).value

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  • Deploy Logic App (Std) Workflow Disabled with Bicep/YAML

    In my yaml I send a the workflows in a pipe separated string e.g. “wf-one|wf-two|wf-three|wf-four” Then, in my bicep I populate an array of Workflow states app settings: var wfAppSettingStatuses = [ for wf in split(workflows,’|’): {   name: ‘Workflows.${wf}.FlowState’   value: ‘Disabled’  }] To add to the Logic App container configuration settings use the union function:…

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  • Error When Opening Logic App (Standard) Designer in VS Code

    When trying to debug a Logic App (Standard) in Visual Code, I saw the following exception: Running command: “func host start –port 8000″…‘func’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.  It seems I was missing the Azure Function Core Tools: See this:

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  • CRON Special Characters

    This one’s for me: The order of the six fields in Azure is: {second} {minute} {hour} {day} {month} {day of the week}.

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  • Deploy Azure Durable Function with Zero Downtime

    Requirement To deploy a new version of an Azure Durable Function using Terraform to a Function App with zero downtime Release Pipeline The production deployment is triggered when a modification to the main repository branch is committed.  The production release pipeline path looks like this:   Plan & Apply Steps include the following tasks: Install…

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  • Connect to Key Vault from a Local Azure Function Instance

    I was having an issue debugging an Azure Function locally.  The start routine loaded the Key Vault secrets into config to be used later: var secretClient = new SecretClient(     new Uri($”https://{keyVault.KeyVaultName}”),    new DefaultAzureCredential());configBuilder.AddAzureKeyVault(secretClient, new AzureKeyVaultConfigurationOptions(){         Manager = new APIKeyVaultSecretManager(keyVault.KeyVaultSecretNames),    ReloadInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(keyVault.ReloadIntervalSeconds)} The problem was I have multiple tenants on…

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  • Remote Debug Azure Function

     See: Remote debug your azure function app v2 in Visual Studio 2019 – Krish Kothapalli Blog Process: Debug > Attach to process… Key in the functions website address:                     Found here: VS 2019 port is 4024 You will be asked for credentials, retrieve these from the Azure Portal from the…

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  • Service Bus Explorer

     Great work here: Service Bus Explorer

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  • Logic App XML Transform Ignoring XSLT Output Attributes

    It seems Microsoft have still not fixed this one.  When using a XML Transform shape in a Logic App, the output XML always contains the XML declaration and the action shape ignores the omit-xml-declaration=”yes” attribute that is set in the XSLT: <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration=”yes” method=”xml” version=”1.0″ /> See: Remove XML Declaration in XML Transform ( And: Azure Integration…

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  • Logic App Deployment Failed Due to a Called Azure Function not being Started

    This is where I found the resolution: Encountered an error (Forbidden) from extensions API. – Adventures in Software (

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