
  • YAML Pipeline with Code Coverage Conditional

    YAML Pipeline with Code Coverage Conditional

     The YAML flow builds the solution of an Azure Function, that contains 3 projects. The unit tests are run and published, and settings are contained in the coverlet.runsettings.xml: <?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8” ?> <RunSettings>   <DataCollectionRunSettings>     <DataCollectors>       <DataCollector friendlyName=“XPlat code coverage”>         <Configuration>          …

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  • Deploy Logic App (Std) Workflow Disabled with Bicep/YAML

    In my yaml I send a the workflows in a pipe separated string e.g. “wf-one|wf-two|wf-three|wf-four” Then, in my bicep I populate an array of Workflow states app settings: var wfAppSettingStatuses = [ for wf in split(workflows,’|’): {   name: ‘Workflows.${wf}.FlowState’   value: ‘Disabled’  }] To add to the Logic App container configuration settings use the union function:…

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