
  • Xslt Transformation with Azure Function

    XsltCompiledTransform does not allow embedded (inline script) code. I came across this github project and need to test this out: brandonh-msft/EmbeddedXsltTestFunction: Demonstrates how to use custom code in an XML Transform from within an Azure Function (github.com) On the face of it the embedded code can be migrated into ExtensionObjects – it sounds perfect!

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  • Logic App XML Transform Ignoring XSLT Output Attributes

    It seems Microsoft have still not fixed this one.  When using a XML Transform shape in a Logic App, the output XML always contains the XML declaration and the action shape ignores the omit-xml-declaration=”yes” attribute that is set in the XSLT: <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration=”yes” method=”xml” version=”1.0″ /> See: Remove XML Declaration in XML Transform (microsoft.com) And: Azure Integration…

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