
  • Retrieving Bicep Output Variables between Yaml Tasks

    In the Bicep file you can output variables: output laPrincipalId string = logicAppResource.identity.principalId So how do I then pass these to another Yaml task? My first research found this perfect discussion: BICEP Output to Pipeline Variables #4638 So this is the task that populates the output variables as pipeline variables after the create resource task:…

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  • Using Powershell to Deploy a Logic App using an Office365 API Connection

    Using Powershell to Deploy a Logic App using an Office365 API Connection

    When using an Azure agent Powershell was available, so the deployment was straight forward: Validate then build the Office365 Connection And the same for the Logic App container with the following app settings In the Release Pipeline I used the Office365 artifact and the Logic App container artifact In the Release Pipeline Stage deployment, I…

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  • YAML Pipeline with Code Coverage Conditional

    YAML Pipeline with Code Coverage Conditional

     The YAML flow builds the solution of an Azure Function, that contains 3 projects. The unit tests are run and published, and settings are contained in the coverlet.runsettings.xml: <?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8” ?> <RunSettings>   <DataCollectionRunSettings>     <DataCollectors>       <DataCollector friendlyName=“XPlat code coverage”>         <Configuration>          …

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  • Deploy Azure Durable Function with Zero Downtime

    Requirement To deploy a new version of an Azure Durable Function using Terraform to a Function App with zero downtime Release Pipeline The production deployment is triggered when a modification to the main repository branch is committed.  The production release pipeline path looks like this:   Plan & Apply Steps include the following tasks: Install…

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  • Logic App Deployment Failed Due to a Called Azure Function not being Started

    This is where I found the resolution: Encountered an error (Forbidden) from extensions API. – Adventures in Software (

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