
  • Retrieving Bicep Output Variables between Yaml Tasks

    In the Bicep file you can output variables: output laPrincipalId string = logicAppResource.identity.principalId So how do I then pass these to another Yaml task? My first research found this perfect discussion: BICEP Output to Pipeline Variables #4638 So this is the task that populates the output variables as pipeline variables after the create resource task:…

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  • Using Bash to Deploy a Logic App using an Office365 API Connection

    Using Bash to Deploy a Logic App using an Office365 API Connection

    Since moving to a self-hosted agent I did not have Powershell available or the bash command to parse JSON, jq. If you have installed Powershell onto your agents then please refer to this earlier post for my solution using Powershell: Using Powershell to Deploy a Logic App using an Office365 API Connection Otherwise, I spent…

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