!UPDATE! Although the LiquidTransform project is useful it is not however running the Logic App dotliquid transformation code.
The workaround still stands, where we have a map test workflow within each Logic App to test the transformations, until Microsoft releases the code, or someone reverse engineers the dlls used or Microsoft complete the mapping tooling for Logic Apps.
Hurray! I have found a way to test before deployment for my liquid maps used in Azure.
Thanks to finding this blog post: https://skastberg.com/2019/01/20/test-your-liquid-transformations-without-deployment/
And then this GitHub repos: https://github.com/skastberg/LiquidTransformation
An example command is as simple as:
“d:\TestingLiquid\LiquidTransform.exe” -t “d:\repos-wk\MyProject\logicapp\artifacts\Maps\This_To_That.liquid” -c “c:\temp\logicapp_input.json” -d “c:\temp\output.json” -u
Such a time saver, and even gives great exceptions – what a time saver.
NOTE: JSONArrayFor not supported – to workaround edit to use the standard “for” loop and then switch back before deploying